C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor No Further Mystery

C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor No Further Mystery

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Note that, if your API is only going to be used in foreach loops, etc, then you might want to consider just exposing IEnumerable instead.

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If someone passes you an Array or a List, your code will work fine if you check the flag every time and have a fallback... But really; who does that?

Bearing this in mind, it makes most sense to pass types with the least number of external dependencies possible and to return the same. However, this could be different depending on the visibility of your methods and their signatures.

Typically, a good approach is to use IList in your public facing API (when appropriate, and list semantics are needed), and then List internally to implement the API. This allows you to change to a different implementation of IList without breaking code that uses your class.

Architecture Astronauts. The chances you will ever write your own IList that adds anything to the ones already in the .NET framework are so remote that it's theoretical jelly tots reserved for "best practices".

Inside the method, you should use var, instead of IList or List. When your data source changes to come from a method instead, your onlySomeInts method will survive.

Then when you need "add" or "sort" then use Collection if need more then use List. So my hard C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız rule would be: START always with IENumarable and if you need more then extend...

This example also tells you that there may be situations when you need to specify the implementation, derece the interface, in the argument list: In this example, whenever you require a particular access performance characteristic.

Collaborate with us on GitHub The C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız source for this content sevimli be found on GitHub, where you sevimli also create and review issues and pull requests. For more information, see our contributor guide.

On the other hand, when returning an object C# IList Kullanımı out of a function, you want to give the user the richest possible kaş of operations without them having to cast around. So in that case, C# IList Nedir if it's a List internally, return a copy C# IList Kullanımı birli a List.

The most important case for using interfaces over implementations is in the parameters to your API. If your API takes a List parameter, then anyone who uses it saf to use List.

Unless you have a very compelling reason to do so, your best bet will be to inherit from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection since it başmaklık everything you need.

additional advantage is that your code is safe from any changes to concrete class as you are subscribing to only few of the methods of concrete class and those are the ones that are going to be there birli long bey the concrete class inherits from the interface you are using.

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